World Famous Puzzle and Worksheet Makers The Teacher's Corner

Structure of Paragraphs

Paragraph Burger

Grades: 3rd Grade and up
Summary: A tasty lesson to help teach the structure of paragraphs.

I explain the Topic Sentence, 3-4 details, and concluding sentence in the following way:
*Vanilla Wafers represented the bun. (The top part was the topic sent, the bottom was the concluding sentence.)
*Vanilla Icing Died Yellow for Mustard represented a supporting detail.
*Vanilla Icing died red for ketchup represented a detail.
*A piece of peppermint candy represented the burger, a detail.
*Coconut died green represented the optional fourth detail, lettuce.

I had my students write a paragraph by remembering how we put together our "burger" (Sandwich), and they hit all of the components needed. This really worked for me! Of course you need to explain how without the buns the burger would fall apart, just as a paragraph would without the topic and concluding sentence!
Submitted by: Samantha

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