This indicates resources located on The Teacher's Corner.
Famous Scientists Grades Upper Elementary & Middle School
Use this lesson to help your students become more knowledgeable about the scientists who have helped shape our world. "I put my students into small groups and each group selects a scientist that contributed to the atomic theory. The groups must creatively represent the work of these scientists and their contributions. They use music, commercial spots, and comedy and also dress in the period in which the scientist lived. After the presentations, each small group formally discusses and uses audiovisuals to explain the most important and relevant thing their scientist contributed to the atomic theory with the whole class."
Submitted by: Elena Maldonado-Vargas , a chemistry teacher at University of Puerto Rico High School in San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Kites Grades Any
Be sure to visit the Summer page in our Seasonal section for kite activities.
Pet Log Grades Any
Students observe classroom pets. On the pet table in my classroom children can find a goldfish, a newt, a couple of hermit crabs, some tadpoles, and a loose-leaf notebook overflowing with paragraphs and pictures. The notebook is our Pet Log. We use the Pet Log to keep records of our classroom pets’ development and daily activities. Exercising their powers of observation, children study the pets, and then draw and record their findings for that day. Each child signs and dates his or her page. As children look back at past entries, they can see their own development as well as that of the pets!
Submitted by: Genevieve Petrillo - Belleville, New Jersey
Robotics Lesson Grades Upper Elementary & Middle School
Students will be able to navigate through the robotics program and read and interpret the directions given. This is a PDF download.
Submitted by: Andrea Mendoza - Arcadia, California
Science with Mrs. Frizzle Grades Any
Here is a great way to get a "Mrs. Frizzle Make-over". "Here's a tip on how to look like Mrs. Frizzle of the Magic School Bus without having to spend a lot of money on your wardrobe. Cut out designs in felt (like trees showing the four seasons, the water cycle, life cycle of a frog, etc.) and spray bonding glue on the backs. Let the glue set for at least five minutes. Apply the designs to an old apron and you're Mrs. Frizzle! The designs can be removed and stored on waxed paper so one apron is sufficient for all your science units. The children will love it and will be able to guess what you'll be teaching next."
Submitted by: Anne Craighead AnneCraigh@email-removed, a second grade teacher at Penn Forest Elementary School in Roanoke, Virginia.
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AIMS Education Foundation Grades Various
Search for what you need.
Bubbles Grades Any
Here are a variety of resources for using bubbles in your classroom.
Soap Bubbles - Learn about the fascinating world of bubbles.
Reeko's Mad Scientist Lab Grades 5-12
Your source for free and easy science experiments.
Robert Krampf's Science Education Company
Find all sorts of lesson plans & links! You can also get weekly Science Experiments emailed to you!
Try Science Grades 3+
Get your students excited about science! Find adventures, field trips, experiments and much more.
Vicki Cobb's Kids' Science Page
Vicki Cobb writes Science Activity books. Here is a great resource to spice up labs, centers, or ideas for science fairs.
EMAIL us your favorite science resource.